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What does it mean to be psychic? If you’ve ever had strong intuitions that have come true, it’s possible you could be psychic.
Join us as we take a closer look at what psychic abilities are and how to tap into your psychic abilities if you have them.
How can you tell if you’re psychic?
Maybe you’ve noticed that you occasionally have intuitions that end up coming true. Or perhaps you can feel what your loved ones, friends, or even strangers are experiencing?
Perhaps you have even seen things that others don’t see but feel that you shouldn’t mention anything. Maybe you were raised to associate the term psychic with negative or even evil sources.
If you’ve been socialized or educated to repress or disown your extrasensory abilities, we’d like to help you learn to be okay with something that is as human as artistic or musical talent.
Real psychics see, hear, feel, or sense things that transcend the physical world. It might be challenging if others can’t share your perceptions at first, but you can learn to use these senses for good with time and practice.
This article will also provide pointers on developing and applying your psychic powers to benefit yourself and others. It will also explain how real psychics can help you.
Let’s begin by looking at the different spiritual abilities.
There are various types of psychic abilities. Some people have been blessed with a single power, while others have more than one. Let’s delve into the types of psychic abilities there are and how to identify which ones apply to you.
To be claircognizant is to know something with absolute certainty, yet without any rational basis for that certainty. Some refer to it as a gut feeling, while others refer to it as a hunch or waves of knowledge.
If you’ve ever known something ahead of time and then watched it come true, maybe you should be asking yourself, “Am I psychic?”
If you believe you are claircognizant, you can learn to enhance your powers through practice. This is done by focusing more on the intrinsic self instead of letting circumstances always sway you. Meditating regularly and working with crystals can also help to strengthen your intuition and concentration.
Energy healing is the ability to rebalance and heal the subtle forces that work throughout our bodies to keep us alive, vital, and in harmony. It was one of the earliest forms of medicine used by ancient people and is still used as an alternative form of medicine in contemporary societies.
To the Chinese, energy is known as “Chi” and is the basis for acupuncture. In Japan, energy healing is called “Reiki,” and it is still used as a contemporary form of spiritual healing.
Clairsentience is the ability to perceive emotional or psychic energy beyond the powers of the five normal human senses.
Those with clairsentience can detect the presence of spirits, humans, and animals when these beings are not otherwise perceptible by normal people.
Clairsentients are often very good at determining if a place is haunted, even if the spirits intentionally conceal themselves.
Auras are the waves of spiritual energy emitted by various types of sentient beings, including humans, animals, and even life forms from different dimensions.
Those who read auras can discern the vitality, emotional state, and spiritual vibration of the beings they encounter. That’s because an individual’s aura will fluctuate depending on how they’re feeling.
Clairvoyance or clear seeing is the ability to envision people and events not immediately present in your location. These visions can include the past and future, as well as beings and/or situations that are remote in time and space.
Clairvoyant abilities can come to the recipient when they are awake or in a sleeping or dream state. In ancient times, soothsayers, oracles, and shamans were often clairvoyants whose visions bridged the gap between the spirits, the Gods, and the physical world.
In some respects, it is simpler to determine whether or not you possess this talent than other, more subtle psychic abilities.
Experts believe astral projection is a form of telepathy in which the viewpoint of a person’s spirit travels out of their body to remote locations in both the physical and spiritual worlds. In new age culture, astral projection is also commonly described as an out-of-body experience.
The popular legends of ascended masters and various other adepts being able to exist in multiple places at once is a form of astral projection.
A medium is someone who can communicate with the spirits of the dead and other disembodied entities, such as ascended masters and other God Forms. One of the most essential services mediums perform with their unique abilities is to help people communicate with their departed loved ones.
Telepathy is the ability to read or transmit one’s thoughts into another’s head. It is derived from the ancient Greek words “têle,” meaning distant, and “páthos,” meaning feeling.
Telepathy can be associated with bad intent and violating another’s personal space. Yet, it can also be a powerful way for family members or loved ones to communicate when others are present.
If you’re wondering or searching “how to know if I am psychic” online and how to tap into your psychic abilities, below are some essential tips to keep your mind, body, and spirit in top working order.
Since your physical body serves as the temple for the psychic energy within you, keeping your body well-nourished, hydrated, well-rested, and flexible is extremely important.
Exercise programs like yoga, tai chi, and martial arts can all be beneficial in developing a strong spirit. One must always use one’s psychic abilities for the highest good.
Your body is the temple for your spirit, so it is also essential to construct an outer temple that provides a safe and balanced space for you to work in.
First, find a private and quiet space to meditate, practice with oracles, and even pray undisturbed. Put your personal touches on the room by decorating it with things that make you feel relaxed and in sync with your inner self. An altar, sacred books, crystal balls, talismans, plants, and even some form of fountain, no matter how small, can all be helpful.
As we alluded to briefly above, many psychic readers from top psychic websites rely on inanimate things to help them concentrate and remain rooted as they tap into their psychic skills.
When meditating, you may also make use of external items. This is referred to as psychometry, which means touching an item to sense and channel its energy.
Some useful objects for testing your psychometric abilities are listed below:
An essential part of figuring out how to become a psychic is learning how to release the negative energy that blocks you and makes you doubt that you are psychic.
To harness your psychic abilities effectively, you must first find inner peace. When there is strife and disorder, either within yourself or in your environment, psychic energy cannot thrive.
The days of our existence are never dull. There is seldom a moment to rest between the endless tasks of paying bills, organizing social gatherings, etc., meaning that our focus is rarely on our inner balance.
It would help if you meditate mindfully to connect with your psychic powers. Don’t allow everything happening in your life to get to you.
Take some time each day to meditate or relax in nature and recharge. When you meditate, you will feel the tension and worry leaving your body.
Talking to a seasoned psychic on r/psychics, on psychic platforms or face-to-face, and getting a reading for yourself might be helpful if you’re having trouble developing your psychic abilities.
Even though you may be sure you can detect things that others do not, an expert psychic might prove helpful.
For instance, if you’re having trouble understanding what you’re experiencing, a seasoned psychic may help you figure out what’s preventing you from achieving your goals.
It might also help to contact an astrologer and have an “Am I psychic birth chart” done. Beneficial positions of planets like the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus can all be strong indicators of a strong psychic and magical nature.
One way to know if you are psychic is by doing a test called the “Ganzfeld test,” a controversial experiment that uses sensory deprivation to assess if someone has extrasensory perception [1].
One important part of anyone’s personal “Am I psychic” quiz is how they should think of their abilities since being psychic can be a controversial issue depending on who you’re talking to.
In one study published in Frontiers in Psychology, researchers spoke to self-professed psychics to ascertain how they thought of their abilities in both a social and spiritual context. They found it hard not to discard conventional explanations of individuals who exhibited extrasensory perception [2].
These are some of the common questions users ask about psychic abilities, such as, “How do I know if I am psychic?” and others we’ll explore below.
A basic “Am I psychic quiz” for adults would involve asking yourself the following questions:
A psychic is someone who claims to have abilities beyond the 5 normal human senses. Extrasensory abilities like telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, and energy healing are generally considered talents that would classify someone as being psychic.
According to the Myers-Briggs personality indicator, the INFJ type is considered the most likely type of person to be psychic. The letters INFJ stand for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. This would indicate someone who is very intuitive, has strong values, desires to understand others, and wants to be an agent of positive societal change.
The most effective way to unlock your psychic abilities is to practice meditation daily. This helps to clear your mind, improve focus, expand your awareness, and open parts of your brain you don’t usually exercise.
If you actively seek to understand your life situation and the people around you beyond your immediate needs and desires, then you likely have a spiritual nature. Likewise, if you actively think about your place in the universe and the deeper meanings in life beyond the mores of society, then you are also likely a spiritual person.
While psychic abilities can sometimes be extraordinary, they are not supernatural powers. If you feel you have supernatural powers and they are interfering with your daily life, a formal psyche evaluation might be needed to examine any underlying causes and what those supernatural powers actually are.
Nowadays, psychic abilities are much more commonly accepted than they were in the past. In ancient times, showing psychic abilities meant to some that Satan possessed you.
Now, extrasensory abilities are seen as a positive step in human evolution and thought of synonymously with a higher spirituality. If what you’re experiencing is making you say to yourself, “I think I am psychic,” then hopefully, some of what we shared in this article will be helpful.
That also means if your answer to the question, “Am I psychic?” is yes, then you have a gift. Don’t be afraid to use it for good. The world could use some higher guidance.