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The famous song goes: “Money don’t get everything it’s true, what it don’t get I can’t use.” [1].
If lack of money is limiting your life, we have researched a handful of easy money spells that are reputed to work instantly. All you need is some simple tools and the belief that you’re worth it.
Everyone has a unique relationship with money, but we can all agree that it’s better to have it than to need it. This is particularly true if you have bills to pay or dreams you’ve had to put on hold because of a lack of resources.
If this sounds like you, perhaps a money spell can help. Just like protection spells, money spells are magical rituals that aim to attract wealth, abundance, and prosperity into your life.
You may be wondering how credible and reliable spells for money really are. Not to worry. We decided to do the research for you.
Here are some easy tips, rituals, charms, and money-drawing spells we’ve found to improve your financial situation.
If you’re getting ready to get a money spell, here are some things to keep in mind to get the best results.
In traditional magic, money is usually equated with energy. Therefore, the first step in increasing your financial resources is eliminating any negative energy that could prevent you from obtaining the things you want.
Here are a few easy, traditional steps you can take to get rid of any financial hurdles blocking your prosperity:
Fresh Herbs. If you’re feeling financially stuck, try cooking with or drinking a cup of tea made from herbs like mint, oregano, basil, or chamomile.
Cleansing Salt. Are you having trouble paying your bills? Place several open sea salt jars in the corner of your home. If anything is blocking your money flow, this will soak it up. Replace the salt every 10 days.
While windfalls here and there are sometimes a natural process of life, it’s better to avoid the feast or famine cycle and keep a consistent flow of wealth.
As a result, it may be wiser to do consistent rituals to attract the financial resources you need instead of waiting for an emergency to arise.
Being frugal or hoarding money won’t make you safer financially. Instead, it will restrict the flow of good fortune in your direction.
In fact, due to the natural process of energy exchange in the universe, you need to be able to spend money without worrying about where you’ll get more. Anybody who has achieved financial success will tell you that making money requires spending money and taking risks.
In many cases, any obstacles standing in the way of your financial success might be revealed in a psychic session from reputable sites that have talented but affordable psychics.
It’s not always your actions that are to blame for financial difficulties; sometimes, your attitude toward your worthiness of success affects your personal finances.
That’s why it’s essential to understand the energies and psychic barriers that may be standing in the way of your financial success, and using readers with actual psychic abilities is one way to address that.
Here is a list of simple magic spells for money, which, if cast correctly, might drastically improve your financial circumstances. By utilizing simple tools, you can do many of these money spells at home.
What you’ll need:
How to cast:
What you’ll need:
How to cast:
Witches and other occultists see the moon cycle as a schedule for manifestation. The new moon typically signals new beginnings, while the full moon symbolizes the completion of the lunar cycle.
You will start this spell during the evening of a new moon and leave it to mellow until the arrival of the next full moon.
How to cast:
What you’ll need:
What you’ll need:
The candle may need up to an hour to burn completely. If you can’t wait that long, it’s okay to snuff out the candle (don’t blow it out) and restart it later.
If you snuff out the candle, remember to meditate and refocus your objectives before relighting it again.
Money is no longer a physical object because of the widespread adoption of debit cards, electronic transactions, credit cards, and cryptocurrencies.
However, all professionals, from accountants to magicians, may benefit from following a few basic guidelines for sound money management.
Here are some things to keep in mind regarding the energy flow of money to help you smash your financial goals:
Before the invention of the almighty dollar, ancient civilizations regularly looked to the Gods for help in manifesting abundance and prosperity in their lives. According to some experts, here are some of the deities that were commonly summoned for wealth by those practicing the world’s various religions:
A major orisha or God summoned by the Yoruba people of Africa for wealth and abundance is “Aje,” the goddess of wealth, business, and the marketplace. As an homage to the goddess, there is a common Yoruba saying, “Aje a wo gba,” which means, “may profit enter your business.” [2]
In the Hindu religion of India, “Lakshmi” is the goddess associated with material wealth and abundance. She is usually portrayed wearing a lavish and expensive costume with a bright red sari (dress) and gold ornaments. Besides financial success, Lakshmi is also viewed as a goddess of fertility. [3]
A son of the Goddess Demeter, Plutus was the Greek God of wealth who was tasked with determining which humans deserved good fortune in their lives. According to the playwright Aristophanes, Plutus was blinded by Zeus so that he might choose the fortunate in a more unbiased fashion. [4]
Let’s explore the most frequently asked questions by curious online users on the topic of money spells.
Money spells are rituals done with the intent of attracting financial resources. This procedure often uses common esoteric items such as crystals, candles, letters of purpose, and even real money.
Money magic spells are typically divided into two categories. The first type of spell is done to get rid of any negative energy that can prevent someone from manifesting money. This could be something straightforward, like your feeling of value, or something complex, like outside forces acting against you.
The second type of magic for money works to attract luck to its target. This could take the shape of an unexpected windfall of wealth or a chance to earn money consistently over time.
According to ancient Hellenistic Astrology, which is the precursor of our modern Western Astrology, Thursday and Friday are the days associated with abundance and money. Thursday is named after the planet Jupiter, the largest celestial body in our solar system. Jupiter is also the name of the God who rules abundance in all its manifestations, including money.
Friday is named after the planet Venus, which is named after the Greek goddess that rules money and possessions.
There are two main ways to prac magic for money:
In a metaphysical sense, money represents a form of energy, and energy can be manipulated magically by a trained and sensitive operator. But don’t just take our word for it. Throughout human history, people have used both magical means and prayed to their Gods to manifest abundance in their lives.
However, free money spells are not just about asking for money from the universe; they are also about aligning yourself with the energy of money and creating the right conditions for it to flow into your life.
Obviously, magic spells aren’t 100% reliable, but many swear by their effectiveness. Whether you need a quick cash boost, a long-term financial plan, or a powerful manifestation tool, there is some kind of money spell out there for you.
So go ahead and attempt one of the charms described here; all you need is a quiet, undisturbed spot.
May the flow of money forever be on your path and don’t forget to share your experience with fellow spell-casters.