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Throughout history, many claim they’ve encountered spirits, but are spirits or ghosts real? While science has always been skeptical, an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence suggests that spirits are real. For many, the problem of spiritism exists because not everyone can see or experience it.
Those who can are called mediums, and their talents are sought by many who need help communicating with the deceased or lost loved ones. If you’re wondering, “What does a medium do?” and how one might help you, we’ll try to answer that. We’ll also suggest where to find quality medium readings online.
A psychic medium possesses extrasensory powers that allow them to act as an intermediary between the world of the spirits and the world of the living.
To understand mediumship and the mystery of how mediums work, it’s essential to know the different forms mediumship can take. Here are three examples of different mediumship styles:
There are different types of mediums. Each depends on the individual’s psychic abilities. Here are ways that a medium can interact with the spirits that will show more clearly what mediums do.
Mental mediumship is when a spirit communicates with a medium telepathically and sends them messages they can hear, see, or feel depending on the psychic’s particular ability. The medium will then pass these messages on to the person or sitter who wants to know what the spirit is trying to communicate.
A direct voice medium conjures a spirit to speak directly to a sitter using its voice rather than the medium. These types of mediums were known as “trumpet mediums” because many of them used a trumpet to help amplify the strength of the spirit’s voice.
Physical mediumship occurs when the spirits use the medium’s energy to produce physical effects like noises and ghostly images of body parts, people, or objects. This type of mediumship is usually done in a darkened room and may use tools like levitation tables or candles.
When it comes to psychic mediumship, a medium uses a psychic ability, such as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), or clairsentience (clear feeling), to convey a spirit’s message.
A spiritual healing medium can move psychic energy and heal various emotional, spiritual, and even physical conditions in others. Some famous spiritual healing mediums in the past include Germany’s Franz Mesmer (1734-1815), America’s Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), and Zé Arigó (1921-1971) in Brazil.
Trance mediums like the late Edgar Cayce, known as the “sleeping prophet,” put themselves into a sleep state and channel spiritual entities that speak through them.
Channeling is a New Age term describing the act of receiving messages from higher beings, such as ascended masters, angelic entities, or one’s own higher self, for healing and teaching purposes.
The type of message you receive from a medium will depend on the questions you ask. Here are some things you should know about them.
When we analyze what mediums do, we see that they’re probably best known for communicating with the spirits of departed loved ones at a séance, which is their most requested service.
Many who have consulted with mediums for this reason have found that afterward, they are often better able to deal with their grief and find strength, healing, and closure.
So, what does a medium do other than speak with the spirits of the departed? Sometimes, people contact mediums to provide spiritual guidance from higher sources like spirit guides or ascended masters to help them with difficult life questions. Mediums can also be effective spiritual counselors (if you’re experiencing an existential or emotional crisis) by providing insights into how you can transform and heal negative energy.
If you were to ask an average person what a medium does, these are some common misconceptions you might hear:
When analyzing the work of mediums, you need to look no further than how their messages can help you get more in touch with your spirituality. That’s because the messages mediums deliver are often from loved ones on the other side who are telling you there is something beyond the physical world and that you should not fear death.
The most important thing you can do to prepare for a reading with a psychic medium is to come to the session with an open mind. Be ready to experience something new and completely different, and be willing to reserve any judgment until your reading is over.
For example, if you come to a psychic reading focused only on specific information or proof that your loved one is lingering around, you may end up closing yourself off to what the spirit truly wants you to know.
Mediumship is not always a perfect form of communication, and remaining open and flexible can greatly assist the spirits with what they want to tell you.
If you’ve recently lost a loved one and find it hard to let go, maybe a medium reading by a screened professional could help. Let’s take a look at some platforms that offer free readings or discounted minutes.
The platform’s customers have voted its 1000+ psychics as some of the best ones to give the most accurate readings, Purple Garden has top-notch mediums who connect you to the other side. Whether you’re looking for wisdom from a spirit guide or to communicate with a departed loved one, Purple Garden has highly screened readers available by chat, voice, or video call.
Readings are also available in English or Spanish by going to the language option on the main menu and choosing your preference. Plus, all new customers will receive a $30 free credit after making a $10 deposit.
Purple Garden has received varied feedback on Trustpilot. One user praised it as “the most professional out of all the psychic apps,” while another was thrilled with their reading about a soulmate [1] [2]. However, some weren’t as impressed, with one customer feeling that the psychic gave responses based on common sense rather than psychic abilities [3].
For over 25 years, Keen has been showing what a medium does. The platform has dozens of top psychic mediums. Whether you want to connect with a deceased relative or get insights into your relationship or career, connecting with the right medium on Keen is easy. The simple-to-use filter will let you set the parameters for the kind of medium you want and help you find them in seconds.
If you’re on the go and need some deep medium insights, Keen’s dependable mobile app will keep you in touch with your favorite psychics 24/7. You can even get a callback if your favorite psychic is busy. In addition, first-time customers will get to talk to whatever psychic medium they choose for the first 5 minutes for the low price of only $1.
Keen has garnered positive feedback on Trustpilot, with many customers praising the accuracy of their readings. One customer said that “the reading [are] on point,” while another commended their advisor for being trustworthy [4] [5]. On the downside, not all feedback is glowing, as one user felt that while the service is convenient, it’s also overpriced [6].
For over a generation, Kasamba has specialized in readings about those we love, whether it’s a romantic relationship or a beloved member of your family. Kasamba can also help you connect with a loved one who has passed, with over 80 highly screened mediums available to give you all the mystic news you need to hear.
If you’re new to all this and wondering what a spiritual medium does, there’s a quick guide to get you up to speed so you’ll know exactly how to get the most out of your session. In addition, new customers get 3 free minutes with the first 3 psychics they talk to, plus 50% off their first scheduled reading.
Kasamba has a strong 4.3 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot, backed by over 1,400 customer reviews. Many users appreciate their intuitive readings, saying that Kasamba gave them hope and that it’s a worthwhile platform to get a reading [7] [8].” Meanwhile, some customers offer a more mixed perspective, with one saying that the platform “is really a hit or miss [9].”
All humans have some form of intuition; some may have it stronger than others. Becoming a medium requires a high level of natural intuitive and psychic abilities, which can be increased further with proper spiritual teaching and mentorship. For those exhibiting certain psychic abilities, places like the Lily Dale Assembly in New York State train talented psychics as healers and counselors.
If your intuition or “Spidey Sense” has ever helped you avoid a bad situation or given you a lucky break by just “knowing” something, you might have some natural psychic abilities. Likewise, if you have symptoms of “synesthesia” or a switching of your senses that makes you see people with colors around them or as different caricatures, you’re probably also psychic.
The scientific view of what a medium does is generally dismissive. According to most mainstream scientific research, mediumship is usually either fraudulent or plagued by some sort of psychological delusion on the part of either the reader or sitter.
This may be seen by others as a close-minded view since some studies have shown medium readings to be accurate. It’s just that the researchers haven’t figured out how the mediums actually do it, leading to the dismissal of their psychic abilities [10].
As a result, the general scientific condemnation of mediumship may be seen as suspect. Why does science accept and speculate on things like black holes and other phenomena they can’t explain but then turn around and dismiss psychic abilities as an illusion?
It is a common belief that there is no evidence that psychic mediums can communicate with dead persons. However, according to a 2021 study in a triple-blind protocol in which 9 mediums conducted 38 readings related to deceased individuals and had no interaction with the sitters, it was determined that the mediums did provide accurate information [11].
An article in Psychology Today also examines whether mediums are legit and tries to explore the question, “What does a psychic medium see?” The results are surprising. It begins by talking about a medium named Leonora Piper, who was tested extensively by the legendary psychologist William James and was determined by him to be legitimate. The article also cites a 2020 meta-analysis showing that, overall, mediums score significantly higher than chance in some studies [12].
Here are some of the questions most commonly asked by customers about what a medium and a psychic do.
Mediums are believed to be able to communicate with the spirits of the deceased and other types of non-physical, interdimensional entities.
Mediums can connect with these spiritual beings on several levels, including through visions, hearing voices, and allowing themselves to be possessed by the entity. Sessions with mediums are conducted both on an individual basis and in group settings, referred to as seances.
People usually go to mediums because they hope to get messages from the spirits of their departed loved ones.
By communicating with these spirits through clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience, a medium can relay your loved one’s experience on the other side. This may include what it is like to be dead and messages the spirit wants to communicate to those who are living.
Working with a Medium can help you to gain closure and healing from worrying about how your loved one is doing on the other side and enlighten you about what the act of dying is like.
When it comes to the psychic vs medium debate, the essential difference is that mediums have the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead and other disembodied entities, and psychics do not.
Mediums will use psychic abilities like clairvoyance and clairaudience for this communication, which means that all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.
The power of a medium can best be described by the word itself, which the dictionary defines as a means by which something is communicated or expressed. Psychic mediums, therefore, act as intermediaries between the physical world and the world of spirits so that the two can communicate through the veil of death.
Many have sensed or even directly experienced the presence of a spirit or invisible sentient force. Most of us don’t know what to do when this happens, so we feel either spooked or at a loss. That’s where a psychic medium comes in. Whether you’re curious about the spirit world or have a departed loved one you feel a strong need to contact, working with a medium can open you up spiritually and emotionally.
We’ve also introduced you to some online psychic platforms that can make the process of connecting with a medium both easy and affordable.
Mediums help us bridge the gap between the living and departed so we can experience the full spectrum of love in the universe.