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According to the late Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Anchoring our spirits to this physical existence is a part of our etheric being known as the root chakra or the Muladhara chakra in Sanskrit.
When your root chakra is imbalanced, your spiritual energies lack a solid foundation, and navigating your everyday life can become difficult and frustrating.
It’s possible to heal an imbalanced root chakra (as well as the other chakras), and the “how” is what we’re going to explore in this article. We’ll take a closer look at the science behind root chakra healing and walk you through how to activate, unblock, and balance your chakra.
The word chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel,” and there are seven main chakras within the human body. The root chakra is associated with our sense of safety, security, and groundedness. We feel stable, confident, and connected to the earth when balanced.
While the root chakra grounds us, other chakras, like the sixth or third eye chakra, are associated with intuition and perception.
However, when our chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may experience anxiety, fear, insecurity, and a lack of vitality. Let’s take a closer look at what chakra is and how to heal root chakra naturally:
There are seven chakras in our etheric body, which are generally in alignment with the human spine. The root or first chakra, often visualized as a vibrant red, is located at the perineum near the base of the spine.
The root chakra is associated with anchoring your spirit to your physical body and the earth’s energy. That’s because this chakra is the closest to the earth element due to its position near the perineum, a spot located on the body between the genitals and the anus. This area is also near the adrenal glands, which play a crucial role in our body’s stress response, further linking this chakra to our basic survival instincts.
If you were to sit in a full lotus position and meditate, the perineum would actually be touching the ground. As a result, the root chakra is responsible for your basic survival skills and ability to navigate the material world.
The root chakra becomes blocked when our thoughts and feelings either conflict with or withdraw from our physical reality, and we don’t realign ourselves. Often, this blockage stems from unresolved trauma, making healing root chakra trauma a crucial step.
Symptoms of a root chakra blockage can include various mental signs such as anxiety disorders, lethargy, and eating disorders.
Physical signs include an inability to manifest our desires and a general withdrawal or avoidance from participating in life. Blocked root chakra energy is serious as it makes our daily lives far more challenging and more stressful than it needs to be.
Many spiritual teachers and healers believe that simple practices are often the best and most powerful ways to open up the root chakra. Simple things like taking a walk in nature, gardening, or even walking barefoot can help realign your root chakra with the earth’s energy.
Plus, many find support in using root chakra healing crystals, such as black tourmaline, during guided meditation or grounding practices. You can also repeat root chakra healing affirmations to yourself to help you connect with the earth’s energy and feel more grounded.
For deeper exploration, consider incorporating journal prompts into your practice. Reflect on how these activities make you feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
While many of the things that will open the root chakra will also help to balance it, to balance something also implies both maintenance and development. To develop something is to take power over it, which is why the discipline of yoga is seen as a way to enhance the functioning of your chakras.
Root chakra yoga poses like yoga pranayama (the practice of sacred deep breaths) and yoga asana (the practice of sacred posture) are excellent ways to increase yoga flow and balance the root chakra. In addition to physical practices like these, a root chakra healing meditation can be a powerful tool for cultivating a sense of grounding and security.
As a result, studying with a yoga teacher is often the best way to generally maintain the optimum function and health of the chakra system.
Root chakra is just one of the 7 main chakras; other popular ones include:
The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is the center of communication and self-expression. Located in the throat, it governs our ability to speak our truth, express our thoughts and feelings, and connect with others through communication. When this chakra is balanced, we can communicate effectively, express ourselves authentically, and empathize with others.
However, an imbalance in the throat chakra can manifest in various ways, including difficulty expressing oneself, fear of speaking up, or excessive talking and interrupting others. Physically, throat chakra healing symptoms can include sore throats, neck pain, and thyroid problems. Practices such as chanting, singing, and affirmations can be beneficial for promoting throat chakra healing.
Additionally, incorporating throat chakra healing foods like blueberries, blackberries, and herbal teas can support this chakra. Using throat chakra healing stones such as turquoise and aquamarine can also aid in balancing and opening this energy center. Furthermore, exploring the throat chakra healing frequency through sound therapy can be a powerful tool for restoring harmony.
Also known as Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra is the center of creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. It is in charge of our emotions, passions, and ability to experience joy and intimacy, and is located in the lower abdomen,
When Svadhisthana is balanced, we feel connected to our emotions, express ourselves creatively, and experience healthy relationships. Creative visualization, dance, and spending time in nature can be beneficial for Svadhisthana.
Connecting with the sacral and root chakra healing is also important, as the root chakra provides the foundation for our basic needs and sense of security, which influences our ability to experience pleasure and creativity.
While the concept of chakras originates from ancient Eastern traditions, some experts in energy medicine, yoga, and psychology have offered insights into the potential benefits of root chakra healing and its possible connections to scientific understanding.
For instance, psychologists suggest that chakras can be understood as “organizing centers of vital life force.” They view the root chakra as the foundation of our physical and psychological well-being, influencing our sense of security, survival, and connection to the physical world [1].
A few studies have also explored the potential connections between chakras and the human body.
That said, it’s important to note that there’s no direct scientific evidence to confirm the existence of chakras as energy centers. Most research focuses on the potential physiological and psychological effects of practices associated with chakras.
Root chakra healing or Muladhara chakra healing consists of taking steps to feel grounded and more in touch with your connection to the earth’s energy. Some healers use crystals (like smoky quartz) for root chakra, essential oils for aromatherapy, or root chakra stones to aid in the process. However, simple exercises like yoga may be all you need to rebalance your energy center.
You know your root chakra is blocked when you sense a general dip in your life force energy. This dip in life force energy can make itself felt through both emotional and physical symptoms. For example, you might experience physical sensations of exhaustion, mental tiredness, or a general lack of motivation.
When the root chakra is blocked, your connection to the earth’s energy becomes compromised. This may result in the feeling that you don’t have your feet firmly planted in day-to-day life. A root chakra blockage can compromise not only your overall chakra system and self-confidence but also your entire body.
The benefits of healing your root chakra become apparent when the root chakra opens, and energy flows freely. This manifests as root chakra healing symptoms like feeling safe, comfortable, and confident. You should also feel connected and secure and perhaps even experience healthy changes in how you eat or sleep.
Opening the root chakra can sometimes happen in just one session. However, you’ll need a qualified healer on a trustworthy platform for this to happen. It is essential to maintain an open root chakra on your own after that. Physical exercise, root chakra meditation, root chakra crystals, and balancing exercises can all help to bolster root chakra healing and maintain your entire energy system.
Many healers and gurus from the best psychic websites suggest simple exercises such as walking in nature or gardening to unblock your root chakra quickly. They often recommend the use of root chakra healing music to enhance these practices. Physical exercises such as yoga, dance, or pilates are also excellent ways to aid your root chakra healing and development.
With a properly functioning, balanced root chakra, you will feel grounded, secure, and generally at peace with the world and the nature of your life. Techniques like using a root chakra healing frequency can aid in achieving this balance. In contrast, an imbalanced root chakra may make you feel insecure, restless, or even angry at very inconsequential things.
The Muladhara chakra, or root chakra, is the anchor for your spirit within your physical body. A balanced root chakra will help you feel confident and secure, while a blocked first chakra can affect some of your basic needs.
If you’re feeling ungrounded and your emotions seem more reactive than usual, perhaps you need to have your first chakra rebalanced; that is root chakra healing.
In the same way doctors can heal the physical body, energy healers and psychics have abilities to heal blockages in the seven primary chakras from the heart to the sacral chakra and crown chakra.